儒家: 《論語》 (公元前480年 – 公元前350年)
“The Analects of Confucius“ (480-350 BC) English translations by James Legge, or Leonard A. Lyall.
《論語》《為政》2.20 :
Ji Kang asked how to cause the people to reverence their ruler, to be faithful to him, and to go on to nerve themselves to virtue. The Master said, “Let him preside over them with gravity; then they will reverence him. Let him be filial and kind to all; then they will be faithful to him. Let him advance the good and teach the incompetent; then they will eagerly seek to be virtuous.”
【Alternative translation】Chi K’ang asked how to make the people lowly, faithful and painstaking. The Master said, “Meet them with dignity, they will be lowly; be a good son and merciful, they will be faithful; lift up the good and teach the unskilled, and they will take pains.”
【現代漢語翻譯】季康子問:「怎樣使人尊敬、忠誠、勤勉?」孔子說:「舉止端莊,能贏得尊敬;敬老愛幼,能贏得忠誠;任用賢良、培養人才,能使人勤勉。」[勸 = 勤 ?]
【试译】季康子问:“要使老百姓恭恭敬敬、忠诚老实而又努力工作,该怎么做呢?” 孔子说:“你自己待人接物能庄重自持,老百姓就恭敬了;你自己能孝顺长辈、慈爱晚辈,老百姓就忠实了;你自己提拔好人、开导弱者,老百姓就卖力了。” [勸 = 勤 ?]
1. 「舉善而教不能,則勸。」—「舉用那些善者,那一人好就舉他出來,讓百姓看了效法。」「教不善者」– 也不說不善者不好,只要去教導他,一邊舉用善人一邊教人民,都是第三者。這一處的文法又變了,舉好人又去教不好的人,人民自然相視而勸,這是不勸而勸。
2.「舉善而教不能,則勸」— 這句話不是從國君或人民說起,特別強調第三者,孔子勸季康子要舉用善人推動教化。孔子不直說不善者的缺失,也不強調用刑罰來制止,而是建議季康子提拔善人教導不善者,讓百姓觀摩好的模範,心裡生起羞恥心,彼此勸勉為善。
3. 語譯「舉善而教不能,則勸」— 季康子問孔子:「要使人民對長上恭敬,又能盡忠,而且互相勸勉向善,怎樣才可以辦得到呢?」孔子說:「在上位的人能用莊重的態度對待人民,人民自然會恭敬長上;能孝順父母,慈愛大眾,人民自然會盡忠;能舉用善良的人,教導那不能為善的人,人民自然會互相勸勉向善了。」