儒家: 《禮記》 – 《學記》 (公元前475年 – 公元前221年)
“Record on the subject of education“ (475-221 BC) English translation by James Legge
《學記》12 : — [尊師重道]
凡學之道,嚴師為難。師嚴然後道尊,道尊然後民知敬學。是故君之所不臣於其臣者二:當其為尸則弗臣也,當其為師則弗臣也。大學之禮,雖詔於天子,無北面;所以尊師也。 [嚴師 — 尊師也]
In pursuing the course of learning, the difficulty is in securing the proper reverence for the master. When that is done, the course (which he inculcates) is regarded with honour. When that is done, the people know how to respect learning. Thus it is that there are two among his subjects whom the ruler does not treat as subjects. When one is personating (his ancestor), he does not treat him as such, nor does he treat his master as such. According to the rules of the Great Learning, the master, though communicating anything to the son of Heaven, did not stand with his face to the north. This was the way in which honour was done to him.
【翻譯】大凡国家统治者要进行更新学习的过程,最关键的在于发自内心的尊敬教师。只有做到了尊敬教师,才能够尊重知识。只有尊重知识了, 才能够严肃的认真学习。所以,统治者在两种情况下是不以对待臣子的态度来对待臣子的:一是当下属在祭礼中担任祭主的时候,那么就不能用对待下属的态度来对待他,要恭恭敬敬的接受祭主的安排;二是当下属在自己学习时担任教师的时候,那么也是不能用对待下属的态度来对待他,要恭恭敬敬的接受教师的教诲。按照大学的礼节,教师在统治者面前给统治者传授知识讲解经典,是不需要施行下属的礼节的。统治者在听讲学习时,忘记了自己的君主之尊,而恭敬认真学习,那就是尊敬老师了。