《論語》-16.10《季氏》The Analects of Confucius [THK]

儒家: 《論語 (公元前480年 – 公元前350年)

The Analects of Confucius (480-350 BC) English translations by James Legge, or Leonard A. Lyall.

《論語》《季氏》16.10 :


Confucius said, “The superior man has nine things which are subjects with him of thoughtful consideration: 

  • In regard to the use of his eyes, he is anxious to see clearly.
  • In regard to the use of his ears, he is anxious to hear distinctly.
  • In regard to his countenance, he is anxious that it should be benign.
  • In regard to his demeanor, he is anxious that it should be respectful.
  • In regard to his speech, he is anxious that it should be sincere.
  • In regard to his doing of business, he is anxious that it should be reverently careful.
  • In regard to what he doubts about, he is anxious to question others.
  • When he is angry, he thinks of the difficulties (his anger may involve him in).
  • When he sees gain to be got, he thinks of righteousness.

【Alternative translation】Confucius said, “A gentleman has nine aims [9 thoughts about his deeds] : To see clearly; to understand what he hears; to be warm in manner, dignified in bearing, faithful of speech, keen at work; to ask when in doubt; in anger to think of difficulties; and in sight of gain to think of right.”



  • 看要看得明确,不可以有丝毫模糊。
  • 听要听得清楚,不能够含混。
  • 脸色要温和,不可以显得严厉难看。
  • 容貌要谦虚恭敬有礼,不可以骄傲、轻忽他人。
  • 言语要忠厚诚恳,没有虚假。
  • 做事要认真负责,不可以懈怠懒惰。
  • 有疑惑要想办法求教,不可以得过且过,混过日子。
  • 生气的时候要想到后果灾难,不可以意气用事。
  • 遇见可以取得的利益时,要想想是不是合乎义理?」
