儒家: 《禮記》 – 《學記》 (公元前475年 – 公元前221年)
“Record on the subject of education“ (475-221 BC) English translation by James Legge
《學記》3 :
However fine the viands be, if one do not eat, he does not know their taste; however perfect the course (the Way) may be, if one do not learn it, he does not know its goodness. Therefore when he learns, one knows his own deficiencies; when he teaches, he knows the difficulties of learning. After he knows his deficiencies, one is able to turn round and examine himself; after he knows the difficulties, he is able to stimulate himself to effort. Hence it is said, ‘Teaching and learning help each other;’ as it is said in the Charge to Yueh, ‘Teaching is the half of learning.’