《學記》- 4 Record on the subject of education [T]

儒家: 《禮記》 – 《學記 (公元前475年 – 公元前221年)

Record on the subject of education (475-221 BC) English translation by James Legge

《學記》4 :

古之教者,家有塾,黨有庠,術有序,國有學。 比年入學,中年考校。一年視離經辨志,三年視敬業樂群,五年視博習親師,七年視論學取友,謂之小成;九年知類通達,強立而不反,謂之大成。夫然後足以化民易俗,近者說服,而遠者懷之,此大學之道也。《記》曰:「蛾子時術之。」其此之謂乎!

According to the system of ancient teaching, for the families of (a hamlet) there was the village school; for a neighbourhood there was the xiang; for the larger districts there was the xu; and in the capitals there was the college. Every year some entered the college, and every second year there was a comparative examination. In the first year it was seen whether they could read the texts intelligently, and what was the meaning of each; in the third year, whether they were reverently attentive to their work, and what companionship was most pleasant to them; in the fifth year, how they extended their studies and sought the company of their teachers; in the seventh year, how they could discuss the subjects of their studies and select their friends. They were now said to have made some small attainments. In the ninth year, when they knew the different classes of subjects and had gained a general intelligence, were firmly established and would not fall back, they were said to have made grand attainments. After this the training was sufficient to transform the people, and to change (anything bad in) manners and customs. Those who lived near at hand submitted with delight, and those who were far off thought (of the teaching) with longing desire. Such was the method of the Great learning; as is said in the Record, ‘The little ant continually exercises the art (of amassing).’


【原文】古之教者,家有塾,党有庠,术有序,国有学。 翻译:古代设学施放,每二十五家的“闾”设有学校叫“塾”,每一“党”有自己的学校叫“庠”,每一“术”有自己的学校叫“序”,在天子或诸侯的国都设立有大学。 原文:比年入学,中年考校。一年视离经辨志;三年视敬业乐群;五年视博习亲师;七年视论学取友,谓之小成。九年知类通达,强立而不反,谓之大成。夫然后足以化民易俗,近者说服而远者怀之,此大学之道也。《记》曰:”蛾子时术之”。其此之谓乎!  

翻譯(学校)里每年招收学生入学,每隔一年对学生考查一次。第一年考查学生断句分章等基本阅读能力的情况,第三年考查学生是否专心学习和亲近同学,第五年考查学生是否在广博的学习和亲近老师,第七年考查学生讨论学业是非和识别朋友的能力,(这一阶段学习合格)叫“小成”。第九年学生能举一反三,推论事理,并有坚强的信念,不违背老师的教诲,(达到这一阶段的学习标准)叫做“大成”。唯其这样,才能教化百姓,移风易俗,周围的人能心悦诚服, 远方的人也会来归顺他,这就是大学教人的宗旨。古书上说:“(求学的人)应效法小蚂蚁衔土不息而成土堆的精神,(不倦地学习,可以由“小成”到“大成”)”。就是说的这个道理啊!