《中庸》-6 The state of equilibrium and harmony [K&W]

儒家: 禮記 – 《中庸》 (公元前475年 – 公元前221年)

The state of equilibrium and harmony (475-221 BC) 

aka “Doctrine of the Mean” (with English translation by James Legge)

《中庸》6 : — 有關「隐恶扬善,执两用中


The Master said, “There was Shun: He indeed was greatly wise! Shun loved to question others, and to study their words, though they might be shallow. He concealed what was bad in people and displayed what was good. He took hold of the two extremes [in matter], determined the Mean, and employed it in his government of the people. It was by this that he was Shun!”

【原文】  子曰:“舜其大知也与!舜好问而好察迩言(1),隐恶而扬善,执其两端,用其中于民。其斯以为舜乎(2)!” 

【注释】(1)迩言,浅近的话。迩,近。(2)其斯以为舜乎,这就是舜之所以为舜的地方吧!其,语气词,表示推测。斯,这。“舜” 字的本义是仁义盛明,所以孔子有此感叹。 

【译文】  孔子说:“舜可真是具有大智慧的人啊!他喜欢向人问问题,又善于分析别人浅近话语里的含义。隐藏别人的坏处,宣扬别人的好处。过与不及两端的意见他都掌握,采纳适中的用于老百姓。这就是舜之所以为舜的地方吧!” 


隐恶扬善,执两用中。  既是不偏不倚、无过无不及的中庸之道,又是杰出的领导艺术。  要真正做到,当然得有非同一般的大智慧。  困难之一在于,要做到执两用中,不仅要有对于中庸之道的自觉意识,而且得有丰富的经验和过人的识见。  困难之二在于,要做到隐恶扬善,更得有博大的胸襟和宽容的气度。对于一般人来说,不隐你的善扬你的恶就算是谢天谢地了,岂敢奢望他隐你的恶而扬你的善!  如此看来,仅有大智慧都还不一定做得到隐恶扬善,还得有大仁义才行啊。  大智大仁的舜帝毕竟只有一个,不然的话,孔圣人又怎么会感叹又感叹呢?