《論語》- 13.6《子路》The Analects of Confucius [T]

儒家: 《論語 (公元前480年 – 公元前350年)

The Analects of Confucius (480-350 BC) English translations by James Legge, or Leonard A. Lyall.

《論語》《子路》13.6 :


The Master said, “When a prince’s personal conduct is correct, his government is effective without the issuing of orders. If his personal conduct is not correct, he may issue orders, but they will not be followed.

Alternative translationThe Master said, “The man of upright life is obeyed before he speaks; commands even go unheeded when the life is crooked.


【白话解】孔子说:「领导者本身正直没有偏差,就是不下命令,事情也能行得通;倘若自己都作不好,就是有命令,人民也不肯听从。」※  这就是正人须先正己的道理。

