《中庸》-4 The state of equilibrium and harmony [K&W]

儒家: 禮記 – 《中庸》 (公元前475年 – 公元前221年)

The state of equilibrium and harmony (475-221 BC) 

aka “Doctrine of the Mean” (with English translation by James Legge)

《中庸》4 : — 有關「食而鮮能知其味


The Master said, “I know how it is that the Path of the Mean is not walked in: The knowing go beyond it, and the stupid do not come up to it. I know how it is that the Path of the Mean is not understood: The men of talents and virtue go beyond it, and the worthless do not come up to it. There is no body who doesn’t eat and drink. But they are few who can distinguish flavors.


【注释】 (1)道:即中庸之道。(2)知者:即智者,与愚者相对,指智慧超群的人。知,同 “智”。(3)不肖者:与贤者相对,指不贤的人。 

【译文】 孔子说:“中庸之道不能实行的原因,我知道了:聪明的人自以为是,认识过了头;愚蠢的人智力不及,不能理解它。中庸之道不能弘扬的原因,我知道了:贤能的人做得太过分:不贤的人根本做不到。就像人们每天都要吃喝,但却很少有人能够真正品尝滋味。” 


还是过与不及的问题。正因为要么太过,要么不及,所以,总是不能做得恰到好处。而无论是过还是不及,无论是智还是愚,或者说,无论是贤还是不肖,都是因为缺乏对 “道” 的自觉性,正如人们每天都在吃吃喝喝,但却很少有人真正品味一样,人们虽然也在按照一定的道德规范行事,但由于自觉性不高,在大多数情况下不是做得过了头就是做得不够,难以达到 “中和” 的恰到好处。所以,提高自觉性是推行中庸之道至关重要的一环。