《大學》-9 The great learning [K&W]

儒家: 禮記大學 (公元前475年 – 公元前221年)

“The great learning” (475-221 BC) English translation by James Legge

《大學》9 : — 有關「正心

所謂修身在正其心者:身 [身:程颐认为应为“”] 有所忿懥,則不得其正;有所恐懼,則不得其正;有所好樂,則不得其正;有所憂患,則不得其正。心不在焉,視而不見,聽而不聞,食而不知其味。此謂修身在正其心。

What is meant by, “The cultivation of the person depends on rectifying the mind may be thus illustrated:- If a man be under the influence of passion he will be incorrect in his conduct. He will be the same, if he is under the influence of terror, or under the influence of fond regard, or under that of sorrow and distress. When the mind is not present, we look and do not see; we hear and do not understand; we eat and do not know the taste of what we eat. This is what is meant by saying that the cultivation of the person depends on the rectifying of the mind.




