儒家: 《禮記》 – 《大學》 (公元前475年 – 公元前221年)
“The great learning” (475-221 BC) English translation by James Legge
《大學》7 : — 有關「知其所止」
In the Book of Poetry, it is said, “The royal domain of a thousand li is where the people rest.” In the Book of Poetry, it is said, “The twittering yellow bird rests on a corner of the mound.” The Master said, “When it rests, it knows where to rest. Is it possible that a man should not be equal to this bird?” In the Book of Poetry, it is said, “Profound was King Wen. With how bright and unceasing a feeling of reverence did he regard his resting places!” As a sovereign, he rested in benevolence. As a minister, he rested in reverence. As a son, he rested in filial piety. As a father, he rested in kindness. In communication with his subjects, he rested in good faith.
【注释】止: 有至、到、終止、停止、居住、栖息等多种含义,随上下文而有所区别。
【译文】《诗经》说:“京城及其周围,都是老百姓向往的地方。”《诗经》又说:“‘绵蛮’叫着的黄鸟,栖息在山冈上。”孔子说:“连黄鸟都知道它该栖息在什么地方,难道人还可以不如一只鸟儿吗?”《诗经》说:“品德高尚的文王啊,为人光明磊落,做事始终庄重谨慎。” 做国君的,要做到仁爱;做臣子的,要做到恭敬;做子女的,要做到孝顺;做父亲的,要做到慈爱;与他人交往,要做到讲信用。