《論語》-5.15《公冶長》The Analects of Confucius [L]

儒家: 《論語 (公元前480年 – 公元前350年)

The Analects of Confucius (480-350 BC) English translations by James Legge, or Leonard A. Lyall.

《論語》《公冶長》5.15 :


Zi Gong asked, saying, “On what ground did Kong Wen get that title of Wen?” The Master said, “He was of an active nature and yet fond of learning, and he was not ashamed to ask and learn of his inferiors! On these grounds he has been styled Wen.”

【Alternative translation】Tzu-kung asked, “Why was K’ung-wen called cultured? The Master said, He was quick and loved learning; he was not ashamed to ask those beneath him: that is why he was called cultured.”




【试译】子贡问道:“孔文子为什么谥号 ‘文’啊?” 孔子说:“他聪敏好学,不耻下问,因此谥号 ‘文’ 啊。”