《大學》-1 The great learning [L][Thk][K&W][T]

儒家: 禮記大學 (公元前475年 – 公元前221年)

“The great learning” (475-221 BC) English translation by James Legge

《大學》1 : — 有關明德至善


What the Great Learning teaches, is to illustrate illustrious virtue; to renovate the people; and to rest in the highest excellence. The point where to rest being known, the object of pursuit is then determined; and, that being determined, an unperturbed calmness may be attained to. To that calmness there will succeed a tranquil repose. In that repose there may be careful deliberation, and that deliberation will be followed by the attainment of the desired end. Things have their root and their branches. Affairs have their end and their beginning. To know what is first and what is last will lead near to what is taught in the Great Learning.






