《學記》-13 Record on the subject of education [L]

儒家: 《禮記》 – 《學記 (公元前475年 – 公元前221年)

Record on the subject of education (475-221 BC) English translation by James Legge

《學記》13 : — [進學之道]


The skilful learner, while the master seems indifferent, yet makes double the attainments of another, and in the sequel ascribes the merit (to the master). The unskilful learner, while the master is diligent with him, yet makes (only) half the attainments (of the former), and in the sequel is dissatisfied with the master. The skilful questioner is like a workman addressing himself to deal with a hard tree. First he attacks the easy parts, and then the knotty. After a long time, the pupil and master talk together, and the subject is explained. The unskilful questioner takes the opposite course. The master who skilfully waits to be questioned, may be compared to a bell when it is struck. Struck with a small hammer, it gives a small sound. Struck with a great one, it gives a great sound. But let it be struck leisurely and properly, and it gives out all the sound of which it is capable. He who is not skilful in replying to questions is the opposite of this. This all describes the method of making progress in learning.



翻譯对善于学习的学生,老师教得轻松,毫不费力,学生却学习得很好,并且跟老师一样轻松,还能对老师教学有方非常钦佩。对不善于学习的学生,老师教得费力,非常劳累,学生却学得不好,并且跟老师一样劳累,还会对老师严厉的督责心生埋怨。善于提问的老师,向学生提问好像用斧头劈砍坚硬的木材一样,先从容易劈砍的地方砍起,最后才去劈砍木材的关节、根部;等到这样做的次数多了,难于劈砍的关节、根部就可以得心应手的劈砍开了。不善于提问的老师呢,恰恰与此相反。 善于回答问题的老师,对待问题的解答,就好比和尚撞钟一样。如果,敲击钟所用的力气小,轻轻的敲,钟的响声就小;如果,敲击钟所用的力气大,重重的敲,钟的响声就大;无论轻重,老师都要在从容把钟敲打完了后,还要优游不迫的等待钟声慢慢消失。而不善回答问题的老师呢,恰恰与此相反。这两点讲的都是老师在进行教学时帮助学生提高学习效率的方法。