《中庸》-21 The state of equilibrium and harmony [K&W]

儒家: 禮記 – 《中庸》 (公元前475年 – 公元前221年)

The state of equilibrium and harmony (475-221 BC) 

aka “Doctrine of the Mean” (with English translation by James Legge)

《中庸》21 :

子曰:「好學近乎知,力行近乎仁,知恥近乎勇。知斯三者,則知所以修身;知所以修身,則知所以治人;知所以治人,則知所以治天下國家矣。 凡為天下國家有九經,曰:修身也,尊賢也,親親也,敬大臣也,體群臣也,子庶民也,來百工也,柔遠人也,懷諸侯也。 修身則道立,尊賢則不惑,親親則諸父昆弟不怨,敬大臣則不眩,體群臣則士之報禮重,子庶民則百姓勸,來百工則財用足,柔遠人則四方歸之,懷諸侯則天下畏之。…」

The Master said, “To be fond of learning is to be near to knowledge [wisdom]. To practice with vigor is to be near to magnanimity. To possess the feeling of shame is to be near to energy. He who knows these three things knows how to cultivate his own character. Knowing how to cultivate his own character, he knows how to govern other men. Knowing how to govern other men, he knows how to govern the kingdom with all its states and families. All who have the government of the kingdom with its states and families have nine standard rules to follow;-viz., the cultivation of their own characters; the honoring of men of virtue and talents; affection towards their relatives; respect towards the great ministers; kind and considerate treatment of the whole body of officers; dealing with the mass of the people as children; encouraging the resort of all classes of artisans; indulgent treatment of men from a distance; and the kindly cherishing of the princes of the states. By the ruler’s cultivation of his own character, the duties of universal obligation are set forth. By honoring men of virtue and talents, he is preserved from errors of judgment. By showing affection to his relatives, there is no grumbling nor resentment among his uncles and brethren. By respecting the great ministers, he is kept from errors in the practice of government. By kind and considerate treatment of the whole body of officers, they are led to make the most grateful return for his courtesies. By dealing with the mass of the people as his children, they are led to exhort one another to what is good. By encouraging the resort of all classes of artisans, his resources for expenditure are rendered ample. By indulgent treatment of men from a distance, they are brought to resort to him from all quarters. And by kindly cherishing the princes of the states, the whole kingdom is brought to revere him. …”




【译文】孔子说:“喜好学习就 接近了,努力实行就接近了,知道羞耻就接近了知道这三点,就知道怎样修养自己,知道怎样修养自己,就知道怎样管理他人,知道怎样管理他人,就知道怎样治理天下和国家了。

