儒家: 《禮記》 – 《大學》 (公元前475年 – 公元前221年)
“The great learning” (475-221 BC) English translation by James Legge
《大學》10 : — 有關「修身」
What is meant by “The regulation of one’s family depends on the cultivation of his person is this:-men are partial where they feel affection and love; partial where they despise and dislike; partial where they stand in awe and reverence; partial where they feel sorrow and compassion; partial where they are arrogant and rude. Thus it is that there are few men in the world who love and at the same time know the bad qualities of the object of their love, or who hate and yet know the excellences of the object of their hatred. Hence it is said, in the common adage,”A man does not know the wickedness of his son; he does not know the richness of his growing corn.” This is what is meant by saying that if the person be not cultivated, a man cannot regulate his family.
【注释】之:即 “于”,对于。辟:偏颇,偏向。
【译文】之所以说管理好家庭和家族要先修养自身,是因为人们对于自己亲爱的人会有偏爱;对于自己厌恶的人会有偏恨;对于自己敬畏的人会有偏向;对于自己同情的人会有偏心;对于自己轻视的人会有偏见。因此,很少有人能喜爱某人又看到那人的缺点,厌恶某人又看到那人的优点。所以有谚语说:“人都不知道自己孩子的坏,人都不满足自己庄稼的好。” 这就是不修养自身就不能管理好家庭和家族的道理。