《論語》- 4.1《里仁》The Analects of Confucius [K&W]

儒家: 《論語 (公元前480年 – 公元前350年)

The Analects of Confucius (480-350 BC) English translations by James Legge, or Leonard A. Lyall.

《論語》《里仁》4.1 :

子曰:「里仁為美。擇不處仁,焉得知?[知: 智]

The Master said, “It is virtuous manners which constitute the excellence of a neighborhood. If a man in selecting a residence, do not fix on one where benevolence prevail, how can he be wise?

Alternative translationThe Master said, “Love makes a spot beautiful: who chooses not to dwell in love, has he got wisdom?”


