《論語》- 12.22《顏淵》The Analects of Confucius [K&W]

儒家: 《論語 (公元前480年 – 公元前350年)

The Analects of Confucius (480-350 BC) English translations by James Legge, or Leonard A. Lyall.

《論語》《顏淵》12.22 :




Fan Chi asked about benevolence. The Master said, “It is to love all men.” He asked about knowledge. The Master said, “It is to know all men.” Fan Chi did not immediately understand these answers. The Master said, “Employ the upright and put aside all the crooked; in this way the crooked can be made to be upright.”

Fan Chi retired, and, seeing Zi Xia, he said to him, “A Little while ago, I had an interview with our Master, and asked him about knowledge. He said, ‘Employ the upright, and put aside all the crooked; in this way, the crooked will be made to be upright.‘ What did he mean?”

Zi Xia said, “Truly rich is his saying! Shun, being in possession of the kingdom, selected from among all the people, and employed Gao Tao, on which all who were devoid of virtue disappeared. Tang, being in possession of the kingdom, selected from among all the people, and employed Yi Yin, and all who were devoid of virtue disappeared.”

Alternative translationFan Ch’ih asked what is benevolence. The Master said, “To love men.” He asked what is wisdom. The Master said, “To know men.” Fan Ch’ih did not understand. The Master said, “Lift up the straight, put by the crooked, and crooked men will grow straight.”

Fan Ch’ih withdrew, and seeing Tzu-hsia, said to him, “The Master saw me and I asked him what wisdom is. He answered, ‘Lift up the straight, put by the crooked, and crooked men will grow straight.‘ What did he mean?”

“How rich a saying!” said Tzu-hsia. “When Shun had all below heaven he chose Kao-tao from the many, lifted him up, and the men without love fled. When T’ang had all below heaven, he chose Yi-yin from the many, lifted him up, and the men without love fled.”




子夏说:「这话含意太丰富了,从前舜有了天下,在众人中选出贤能的皋陶,来治理国家,那些不仁的人都远离了。后来商汤有了天下,从众人之中选出贤能的伊尹,来治理国家,那些不仁的人也都远离了。」※ 选贤与能,知人善任乃治国平天下之大道。

试译樊迟问什么是仁,孔子说:“爱人。”  问什么是智,孔子说:“懂人。”  樊迟没明白。孔子说:“拿直的去扳弯的,能把弯的扳直。”  樊迟出门见到子夏,说:“刚才我拜见夫子,请教什么是智,夫子说 ‘拿直的去扳弯的,能把弯的扳直。’  这是什么意思呢?”  子夏说:“含义丰富啊这话!舜治理天下的时候,在众人中选拔贤人,选了皋陶之后,坏家伙就躲得远远的。商汤治理天下的时候,在众人中选拔贤才,选了伊尹之后,坏家伙也躲得远远的。”