《學記》- 14 Record on the subject of education [T]

儒家: 《禮記》 – 《學記 (公元前475年 – 公元前221年)

Record on the subject of education (475-221 BC) English translation by James Legge

《學記》14 : — [不足為師]

記問之學,不足以為人師。必也聽語乎? 力不能問,然後語之語之而不知,雖舍之可也。

He who gives (only) the learning supplied by his memory in conversations is not fit to be a master. Is it not necessary that he should listen to his pupils? Yes, but if they are not able to put questions, he should [put subjects then before them / discuss then with them]. If he do so, and then they do not show any knowledge of the subjects, he may let them alone.


