《學記》- 16 Record on the subject of education [T]

儒家: 《禮記》 – 《學記 (公元前475年 – 公元前221年)

Record on the subject of education (475-221 BC) English translation by James Legge

《學記》16 : — [比物醜類]


The ancients in prosecuting their learning compared different things and traced the analogies between them. The drum has no special relation to any of the musical notes; but without it they cannot be harmonised. Water has no particular relation to any of the five colours; but without it they cannot be displayed. Learning has no particular relation to any of the five senses [* Possible mis-interpretation of the five government offices]; but without it they cannot be regulated. A teacher has no special relation to the five degrees of mourning; but without his help they cannot be worn as they ought to be.



翻譯古代的学生对于老师是非常尊敬的,他们总是善于从许多事物的类比中体会出道的重要意义。鼓点,并不在宫商角徵羽这五种乐调以内,但是如果没有鼓点来调节,在音乐演奏时,各种乐调就不会和谐;清水,并没有青赤黄白黑这五种颜色,但是,如果不用水来调和,各种颜色就不会鲜明耀眼;求学,并不等于就当上了司徒司马司空司士司寇这五种官员,但是如果不学习不更新知识不与时俱进,国家各行政部门的官员就不能胜任自己的职务,就没有业绩;教师,并不是你需要遵照五服礼仪去尊奉的亲戚,但是,如果没有教师实施教育进行传承与维护,五服之间的亲戚,就不可能亲密和谐相处。[五服: 古時在祭祀時,各種身分所穿的祭服都不同,所以五服指人倫的各種身分,如君臣、父子、夫婦、兄弟、朋友。老師雖不是五倫所指的任何一倫,但是,任何一種身分的人,沒有老師的教導,就不懂人倫道理,不會做人,不能與人親密的相處。]